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Unlocking opportunities to drive value and additional revenue
Unlocking opportunities to drive value and additional revenue
MPAC’s leading expertise, technology and processes allow us to manage the world’s largest property database. To provide exceptional service to property owners, municipalities and our commercial partners, we are constantly implementing innovative improvements to our products and processes.
Leaving legacy systems in the rear-view mirror
Leaving legacy systems in the rear-view mirror
As we continue to build secure, modern and cost-effective IT systems, we are creating more effective work management processes to better support our corporate information needs through the elimination of our legacy programs.
In 2022, we successfully decommissioned our Work Management System, which was an evolutionary step in our journey towards the elimination of legacy software.
We successfully consolidated 21 business workflows into a single application known as WorkSight, which is continuously undergoing enhancements to better support our employees and external partners.
This internal work management program seamlessly intersects with consumer-facing platforms, such as Municipal Connect, ultimately increasing our efficiency, transparency and ability to achieve our Service Level Agreement for municipalities.
We also merged our geospatial data to support map functionality in consumer-facing applications, including Municipal Connect, AboutMyProperty™ and propertyline™, leading to improved municipal and customer service support.
These ambitious initiatives would not be possible without the commitment and ingenuity of our IT department’s top talent, who are committed to meeting international standards in IT.
We are proud to announce we achieved our IT Support HDI Certification and Pinnacle Award, in addition to being one of 100 companies in Canada to hold both ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27017 re-certifications in 2022.
Our ongoing achievements prove that we have put in place the systems, policies and procedures to help us protect property assessment data and increase our resilience against cyber-attacks.
“From in-house internal application programs to cyber security, it’s evident that our IT team fosters innovation and creativity where new products and ideas are encouraged.”
Ashley K. | Architecture and Information Systems
New horizons in Business Development
New horizons in Business Development
Our new propertyline™ e-store is an illustrative example of how MPAC’s property data and innovative solutions are changing the real estate industry.
In 2022, MPAC’s Business Development team signed new agreements with every Real Estate Board in Ontario, which represents approximately 100,000 REALTORS® across the province. These agreements provide Boards with the option of leveraging our API services by integrating MPAC’s property assessment data directly into their MLS applications and GeoWarehouse™, while also providing direct access to our new propertyline™ e-commerce platform.
Developed in-house by MPAC’s IT Revenue Services team, the propertyline™ platform provides our customers with access to real-time property information and variety of reports, such as our industry-leading Automated Valuation Model (AVM) products.
In recognition of the exceptional internal development of the new propertyline™ platform, MPAC was highlighted in the 2022 Proptech in Canada Report surrounding new Canadian Real Estate Technology.
The successful launch of the new propertyline™ platform also provided MPAC with the opportunity to strengthen relationships with REALTORS® across Ontario by offering training sessions to help introduce the new application and showcase the platform’s enhanced features. In 2022, MPAC delivered over 260 training sessions, offered both online and in-person for the first time since 2019.
Business development also saw its highest growth within the Financial Services industry, even amongst a declining real estate market. Through the proven success and demand of quality products like our AVM, MPAC is continuing to increase market share within this space while gaining further recognition on a national level.
In addition to providing innovative solutions to the real estate and financial services industries, we secured new commercial contracts, including a multi-year deal with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to support their Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Through the success and continued hard work conducted by all areas within the division, Business Development achieved a record-breaking annual revenue of over $26 million –13% ahead of our 2022 target.
Going international
Going international
In 2022, we made significant progress in the commercialization of our assessment technology for our first client, the Valuation Office of Ireland. This has been an exciting journey that has proved the value of our “Made in Ontario” solutions and services – both for our technology and our property assessment expertise.
Our commercial product, Insight, is the result of a decade’s worth of investments into Ontario’s assessment system. Now, not only is it supporting Ontario, but it is generating revenue internationally and monetizing MPAC’s innovation initiatives.
Our investment into our commercialization efforts earned over $1 million in added revenue, which helped offset the levy for Ontario’s municipalities.